Nacho Kids® - The Origin Story

We thought we had this whole blended family thing figure out before we got married. We knew that we were going to avoid all the obstacles and have the perfect blend.
WOW, we were so wrong!






Blended Mess

During a family/marriage counseling session we discovered most of what we were doing as a blended family was being done with good intentions, but unrealistic expectations.

The most challenging part of our blending was how to deal or not deal with each other’s kids. While expressing our disappointment and resentment with trying to co-parent the step kids the counselor looked at me and said, “They are not your kids”. This was not shocking news, of course.

Initially, I (Lori) thought of it as a negative approach. However, after thinking about it, I realized it made perfect sense! I was creating my own misery. So, I quickly took that advice to heart and tried to look at things involving the step kids differently.

Being a husband/wife team that tries to find humor in most things, we quickly started referring to the step kids as Nacho Kids (“Not Your Kids”). This endearing term helps us stay light-hearted and focused on the task at hand… creating and nurturing a successful blended family. It was not easy, and it took time, but the results were astonishing! It was a true blended family lifesaver! We not only have survived, we have thrived!

Nacho Kids is dedicated to helping blended families thrive. While there are tons of great blended family websites and books, few address what to do when traditional or societally defined (or accepted) step parenting does not work. Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” when blending. We saw there was a need for something different, a non-judgmental community of step parents who are not fitting into the traditional stepparent role to help them avoid becoming another blended family divorce statistic.

Hear us talk about our story, in detail, in episode 1 of the podcast. Our story might sound much like your own.

Save Your Sanity & Your Blended Relationships.